Critic’s Rating: 4.5 / 5.0
Who knew Will Trent talked to dead people and his best lead would be the victim herself?
If they wanted to deliver the shock factor, Will Trent Season 3 Episode 10 succeeded since even he wasn’t sure they had the right suspect without the victim’s assistance.
In addition to this interesting case, we must also dissect how secrets and new relationships affected Will and Faith’s partnership.

Expectations are High For Teenagers in Atlanta, Which Triggered a Nerve for Faith
I would never want to be a teenager again. It’s one of the hardest times in life, trying to fit into society and be the perfect person.
Expectations were high in Atlanta, especially at Bellrose League, something Faith knew only too well.
If you didn’t behave properly or come from the right upbringing, you were excluded. Whitney seemed like she was the queen bee and enjoyed her reign.
She went after what or who she wanted, and that was Elijah Buckley, the dance choreographer.

He was smarter than most and knew it was inappropriate to respond to a student’s relentless advances and seemed worried how this would affect him.
Being at Bellrose triggered Faith, who was kicked out of out the academy when she was pregnant with Jeremy. Both teens and teachers can be cruel to anyone who was different.
I loved that Faith finally attended a cotillion and felt like she belonged.
So Many Facets of Whitney, So Many Suspects
Many teens prefer to keep a tough exterior, instead of showing their vulnerability. Whitney preferred her classmates and teachers to view her as the queen bee that knew exactly what she wanted.
Her parents assumed she was the perfect driven student who never partied. What world did they live in?

So many of her classmates commented she made enemies because of attitude.
Her former friend Tasha missed how close they used to be, but in reality, Whitney still protected Tasha.
She may have spread rumors about her hospitization, but she was suspicious about Tasha’s hospilozation and determined to to learn the truth.
Whitney had real detective skills, which got her into trouble when she discovered more than she could handle.
She was a kid with a decent heart, not the monster everyone thought she was.
Whitney’s Ghost Acted Like Will’s Conscience to Remind Him the Effects of Secrets
Will has only been haunted by a few victims, usually when he was affected by the case.

The first time was in Will Trent Season 1 Episode 8 when Alison, a college student who grew up in the foster care system, was murdered.
During Season 2, Will was haunted by visions of the night his foster mother night, a night he tried to block out.
This time, Whitney McAdams visited Will. Initially, she seemed mean and threatened many people, including Will, about sweet Betty.
She was right, though, about secrets coming out at the worst time, and her murder proved that.
Whitney learned that her friend Tasha wasn’t having episodes from a psychotic break but because her stepdad was drugging her. Gavin wanted control of Tasha’s inheritance, and he’d need to declare her unfit.
That stepfather was evil!

Whitney was more like Will than he realized. She kept secrets to protect someone she loved, which gave the wrong impression.
He did something similar when he bailed Jeremy out, but keeping their plan from Faith could destroy their partnership.
Faith valued trust and honesty, and they had almost rebuilt their relationship after he left town without telling her.
Could their relationship withstand another hit, even if it had good intentions? Maybe, if he comes clean. Probably not if something happens to Jeremy.
Families Come In All Shapes and Sizes
Michael and Angie’s weekly case barely mattered. It was more about juggling two sick kids and handling the case.
We’ve all been there and can relate to attending a virtual work meeting while dealing with cranky, sick kids.

Michael seemed overwhelmed since his children were also disappointed that their mother refused to see them while they had poison ivy.
My opinion of Gina decreases every time she’s mentioned. That attitude made Max and Cooper feel abandoned and lean in closer to Angie.
I suspect the kids don’t know that Angie had a one-night stand with their dad before Will Trent began. She’s like family to them now, especially Cooper, who rushed to get sympathy from her.
Cooper was her father’s daughter and wanted to know everything about the case. She was fascinated by the dead guy and his stomach contents.
She even provided a massive clue by singing the jingle for Gene and Tony’s Burger Shack.

I love how Angie recognized that Max needed to talk to Michael alone and mediated, and everyone listened to her.
Michael and Angie’s friendship has improved both of their characters. They’ve learned to support people and the meaning of family.
Before Will Trent Season 2, Michael was a loving but absent dad, and now he’s an involved father who strives to support his children no matter what.
While the kids were proud of their father for tackling the suspect, Cooper didn’t understand how someone could murder a man for a sandwich.
It’s a tough lesson to teach your kids that bad things happen and you can’t control them. He was likely talking about the divorce as well as the murder and felt guilty he couldn’t spare them the pain.

Will Trent Season 3 Has Focused on Moving On, But Some Characters Don’t Seem Ready
Will Trent Season 3 has focused on characters moving on with their lives and putting them in new circles, but some have rebelled against making any permanent changes.
It’s ironic when Angie told Michael he had to let go of his bitterness and hatred towards ex-wives, since she was so bitter about her breakup with Will. However, he has kids, who may pick up on that if he’s not careful.
As mentioned, Max and Cooper already had difficulty adjusting to the divorce, so they need their parents to act like civil adults.
It’s also the only way Michael will ever date someone new. It took him even until Will Trent, in Season 3 Episode 8, to open up about his divorce and kiss Ariana Madix.
While they had smoking chemistry, the series will likely introduce him to a new love interest.

While Will looked happy with Marion, they seemed almost too perfect, as if they were playing house.
Will almost looked afraid when she announced that her divorce was final because they wouldn’t only be casual. He would have to commit.
Will and Marion lack the fire that he had with Angie. That’s not all bad since they were sometimes dysfunctional, but I think sometimes Will misses that fiery passion as much as I miss them.
Only Faith seemed ready to move on. She finally recognized that she needed some fun in her life, and Elijah was fun and hot!
Allowing Faith to dance with him so much also allowed viewers to see Iantha Richardson’s dance background. I love that Will Trent has added dancing and entertainment to their cases.

It lightened up the serious cases and added a personal touch.
Hopefully, we’ll see Faith and Elijah on another date.
Over to you, Will Trent Fanatics. What was your favorite part of “The Death of Whitney McAdams”?
Were you surprised by the killer? Will Will tell Faith the truth about Jeremy?
How cute were Faith and Elijah?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
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