A Michigan man who spray-painted swastikas and racial slurs on a predominantly Black church in Roseville has been sentenced to one year in federal prison.
Source: Kevin Trimmer / Getty
According to a March 19, 2025, press release from the U.S. Department of Justice, David Bluer, 34, of Warren, pleaded guilty in December 2024 to one count of damaging religious property. Prosecutors say Bluer admitted to targeting Greater New Life Church in October 2021 because the church serves a mostly Black congregation and has a Black pastor. The graffiti included swastikas, the word “die,” and other hateful symbols.
CBS News reports that during the same month—October 2021—Bluer also defaced a public restroom in Trombly Park, located in Warren, Michigan. The graffiti included swastikas, a racial slur, and the message “DaviD KiLLS Ni**ERS.”
According to a March 2024 DOJ news release, Bluer admitted he was motivated “because of the race and color of Black people who used the park, and because Black people were and had been enjoying the park.”
Despite the nature of the crime, Greater New Life Church Pastor Darnell Moore emphasized forgiveness during a previous statement to CBS News.
“It would be hypocritical for me to not forgive him when I’ve been forgiven, so that’s why I think it’s so important that we forgive him; you know, we hold no grudges or anything,” Moore said in December.
Moore also reflected on the moment he saw the graffiti on the church firsthand.
“First thought is, why would someone do that to us? We don’t bother anybody, you know; we just try to do the work of the Lord,” he told CBS News.
Federal officials say the crime had broader consequences.
“The defendant’s attack, motivated by race and color, instilled fear in not only the mostly Black congregants of the church, but damaged the entire community’s sense of safety. Our office will always vigorously prosecute those who commit unlawful bias-motivated acts and seek justice for the victims,” said Acting U.S. Attorney Julie Beck in the DOJ’s March 19 press release.
Cheyvoryea Gibson, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Detroit Field Office, described the prosecution as a joint effort:
“The sentence of David Bluer sends a stern warning to anyone who seeks to invoke fear and hatred towards a specific group of individuals. The FBI is committed to upholding the U.S. Constitution, investigating civil rights violations and the protection of the American People,” said Gibson. “The hate-driven criminal acts committed by Mr. Bluer were halted through the relentless investigative efforts of members from the FBI Detroit’s Joint Terrorism Task Force, Roseville P.D., Warren P.D., as well as the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Michigan, whose collaboration was crucial in securing this successful prosecution.”
The case was prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Frances Carlson and Trial Attorney Erin Monju of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division.
Even in a place built for praise, Black people aren’t safe from being targeted. But we’re still here. Still worshiping. Still forgiving.
Now, we’ll watch the system work.