Critic’s Rating: 4.5 / 5.0
Was anyone expecting that cliffhanger?
Before we discuss that, let’s discuss how Denise Glenn and her theories on apprenticeship pushed Oliver and Bex closer together on The Hunting Party Season 1 Episode 8.
She thought she was the master and deserved to be remembered for all her theories on tragic art. She had the most massive ego, but that was the way to make her crack.
We also have to discuss that Shane reveal and who’s behind the Silo 12 breach. Lots of secrets were revealed.
A Professor Believes that Killing Artists Honored Greek Muses
We’ve seen some oddball serial killers on The Hunting Party, but Denise Glenn’s theories took the cake.
She believed in honoring the tragic Greek playwrights and muses. Like Hassani’s children, I was fascinated with Greek mythology in college, but some of this was new to me.
I never realized there were nine creative Greek muses.
As demented as it sounded, Denise Glenn was right in that she’ll be remembered for creating something awful.

She also said that artists’ works, especially dancers, only have a short lifespan. Seeing one posed in a perfect toe pointe was creepy, but I understood her reasoning.
She almost immortalized these artists and wanted them revered as much as she wanted to be remembered.
Generally, the Pit made their prisoners worse, but Denise Glenn only talked to the psychologist, and they located her within hours of the blast and sent her to another secure location.
So, the main problem remained that someone became intrigued with her at the Pit and copied her work.
The Pit only made a mistake later when they allowed a dozen men with anger issues with women to observe Denise sculpt. One grew obsessed with her.

Denise Glenn Played Mind Games With Oliver and Bex and Her Views on Apprenticeship
This was only the second time a prisoner had been brought to the base. The first was when Oliver brought Eli Johnson there for Bex’s peace of mind on The Hunting Party Season 1 Episode 2.
Things have progressed a lot between Bex and Oliver since they decided to present a united front and interview Denise.
It was such a pivotal moment when Bex acknowledged Oliver had her back.
If you’re an Oliver and Bex, this episode was for you. Nick Wechsler and Melissa Roxburgh have such natural chemistry.

Denise tried to break that bond by insinuating that Oliver would do anything for Bex, just like Denise would do anything for her apprentice.
She hit the issue right on. Oliver would do anything to win Bex back, and she was softening towards him as they kept exchanging looks, but they couldn’t let her win.
Bex and Oliver were determined to beat Denise at her own game, which meant they had to turn her against her protege, and that was harder than it seemed.
Denise was arrogant and wanted her sketchbook of crimes to go down in history. Bex had to use that against her.

Breaking Up into Different Teams Allowed Other Dynamics to Grow
Since The Hunting Party Season 1 began, Bex, Hassani, and Shane have been in the field attempting to stop the escaped serial killer while Oliver and Morales feed them Intel.
Having two serial killers changed those dynamics. It was imperative that Bex profile Denise Glenn, especially since Denise was gifted at mind games.
We previously discussed how Oliver and Bex worked together as a team, and Morales was impressed seeing Oliver in action.
This was the first time we learned more about Morales, including that working with serial killers turned her off men and dating.
She fits right in with the team and is often best as a platonic good friend with Oliver or Shane. I loved seeing her brag about her dart-playing skills and take money from the men.

She reminded me of Leela when she surprised and beat her co-workers on The Resident. You go, girl!
TV series need these laidback and fun scenes to build rapport between characters.
Hassani and Shane also bonded and grew closer. They often have Bex around, but it was entertaining to watch them have each other’s back and joke around this time.
Shane used his skills to find a secret compartment where that sketchbook was hidden and disarm a bomb. I loved how Hassani refused to leave him, assuring him they were in it together.
Their excited fist bump was priceless, as was banter on the plane home. They’ve gotten comfortable and can tease each other without offending one another.

Shane Is Desperate for Answers But Not for the Reason You Think
I’m relieved that Shane’s family member isn’t a killer who was in the Pit since that was one theory as to why he would need answers from Dr. Dulles.
This was totally unexpected, but as an adopted person, I felt for Shane. It’s rough not knowing anything about your biological parents.
As Shane dealt with all these killers, he began wondering if he was a bad seed, too, since some people were born with horrible traits.
He feared he could be one of them.
It’s even more challenging for Shane since the one person who has the answers has Alzheimer’s Disease.

At least Sarah believed him and realized he wasn’t a crazy person.
Weirdly, they are like family since Shane spent so much time with her dad while she thought her dad was busy with work.
Hopefully, we will learn soon what information is on those tapes.
Learning Who Was Behind Silo 12’s Breach Shouldn’t Be a Surprise, But the Cliffhanger Was
I know Hassani works for the CIA and is generally distrustful, but I could understand why Oliver was frustrated. He was honest and even admitted to talking to his contact.
Oliver had to feel betrayed, as if he had been spied on when he thought they were a team working toward finding the actual bad guys.

Poor Bex sounds exhausted from breaking up these arguments.
It was funny watching Oliver smirk when Bex reminded them to stay focused since she sounded more annoyed with Hassani.
Thankfully, the three of them seemed better by the time Hassani had the IV bag analyzed.
While no one had heard of the company, I don’t think anyone was surprised that the attorney general had been involved with them.
She and Oliver’s military contact seem to be in cahoots. I’m unsure what they thought Denise Glenn learned from meeting Oliver and Bex, but it was juicy enough to kill her for.

That army leady is scary. I’m afraid of her and what she has planned.
Over to you, The Hunting Party Fanatics. What was your favorite part of “Denise Glenn”?
What did you think of her views on immortalizing artists? Are you relieved with Shane’s reveal?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
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