Source: Sean Rayford / Getty
Ahmaud Arbery was murdered in cold blood by a group of racist white men, Gregory McMichael, his son Travis McMichael, and William “Roddie” Bryan, on February 23, 2020, in Glynn County, Georgia. Bryan followed and filmed the McMichaels as they stalked Arbery in a pickup truck armed with a shotgun. Two months passed before an arrest was made because Glynn County was told by the District Attorney’s office that the parties involved were not flight risks and that no arrests should be made until there was “follow up”. Jackie Johnson was the District Attorney then, and Gregory McMichael once worked for her as an investigator.
Do you see the problem there?
The McMichaels and Bryan were finally arrested in May 2020 two days after Gregory purposely released the video of the fatal shooting himself thinking that it would prove self-defense and quell the talk around town about his actions. Sike. When the truth about the shooting finally came to light, Johnson was under intense public scrutiny about why should would decline to arrest these men and how her relationship with Gregory McMichael influenced her. She ultimately recused herself from the case but the damage was done in the eyes of the people. In September 2021, Johnson lost her election and was subsequently indicted by a grand jury for a felony violation of her oath of office and a misdemeanor count of hindering a police officer.
According to APNews, a judge has finally set a date for Johnson’s trial for her “alleged” crimes. Jury selection will begin on January 21, 2025, and legal proceedings will start shortly after selection.
BOSSIP has reported on this case extensively. While the McMichaels and Bryan have been sentenced to prison, according to ActionNewsJax, the family, specifically Ahmaud’s father, is ready for the final domino of justice to fall.
“We’re supposed to have had justice on her because she is the ring leader,” Marcus Arbery said. “It’s time for her to come to justice. It’s been a long time coming. My boy has been dead. Going on for five years now. My family is still hurting and suffering,” Marcus said.
We hope the Arbery’s get the justice and that Jackie Johnson gets exactly what she deserves.