Magazines, like people, need a quiet place. Hence here—amidst the hurlyburly, the din, the ruckus, the primping—we open for you a small garden in which to pause. As readers of our September print issue know, this contemplative space was created for us by two women of singular grace and taste: Sheila Chandra, mythopoetic mesmer, and Lera Lynn, spare queen of post-Americana.
Today the digital world gets Sheila Chandra’s offering. Sit here as long as you like, and come back anytime.
More from Spin:
Haiku by Lera Lynn
THIS IS AMERICA: The Sublime Chaos of Rock — and the Pointless Afterlife of Jane’s Addiction
Night-blind new moon sleepsSnowdrop peeps newborn from snowCold air sears the nose
Writing to deadlinesWhen inspiration arrivesA sigh of relief
Sheila taking audiences to another place back in ’92.
Sheila’s reissued music ’90s catalogue can be found here, while a timeline of her trajectory from youth sensation with Monsoon through her solo career to the silencing onset of Burning Mouth Syndrome and beyond is here.
To see our running list of the top 100 greatest rock stars of all time, click here.