Although a lot of backstory is still unknown, a few details were revealed in this episode, providing more insight into the lives of the characters that make up this small town. It is evident that the writers will be peeling back the layers of each character a bit at a time, which is a strong tactic as it will keep viewers longing for more. Viewers were made aware from the start that Maggie and Sully have been estranged for a while, and tonight we learned a bit more as to why. Maggie’s mother took Maggie with her to Boston after she divorced Sully, and despite his thick exterior, it was clearly very difficult for him, as noted by the box of keepsakes from Maggie’s childhood that he keeps under his bed. What is still unclear, is what prevented Sully from putting in an effort to maintain his relationship with his daughter, or if there was another factor that stood in the way of him from remaining a key person in her life. Frank Cranebear tried to push Sully to work on things with Maggie, which suggests that Sully did something to fracture his relationship with his daughter. Sully is a stubborn man, however, and believes that too much time has passed to even attempt at making an effort. Sully also pulled an AA coin out of the memento box, indicating that he struggled with an alcohol addiction. Perhaps that was the catalyst for his strained relationship with Maggie?

Maggie has been so angry and bitter at her circumstances, that she hasn’t been able to appreciate what is right in front of her. Maggie is stubborn, just like her father and her stubbornness isn’t allowing her to see that Sullivan’s Crossing is exactly where she needs to be right now. In Boston, her life was focused around her career and she spent many long hours working at the hospital, rarely finding time to connect with others. The tight-knit community of a small town is providing her with a circle of care that is unfamiliar to her, but much needed. Edna is the mother figure that Maggie needs, since Maggie’s own mother appears to be driven by success and not nearly as nurturing. Reconnecting with her old friend Sydney, has also provided Maggie with a chance to let loose and have fun, something that Maggie has been unable to do in a long while.

Maggie also has a lot to offer the small town. Her medical expertise is something that the town is lacking and it led her to be there for Roy in his time of need, and figure out that he had been suffering from an underlying infection, which could explain the confusion he’s been experiencing. Cal’s support throughout the ordeal allowed Maggie to see who he really is, a kind and good hearted soul. He received the cold shoulder from Maggie last episode, but her walls appear to be coming down now that she has seen the good in Cal. After a drunken night of karaoke with Sydney, Cal walks Maggie home to ensure she gets there safely. The chemistry between the two is palpable as they walk underneath the stars that, as Cal points out, can’t be seen as well from a big city. Their sweet moment is cut short when Andrew, Maggie’s boyfriend from Boston, appears. He wants to try and make things work with Maggie, but it doesn’t appear that Maggie is in the same place anymore. Meanwhile, Cal goes home defeated, looks at a calendar and circles July 22nd. The significance of that date is sure to lead to viewers finding out more about the handsome stranger and what exactly led him to Sullivan’s Crossing of all places.

There are so many small details that add to the show’s charm and highlight its Canadian roots. Edna and Frank speaking Cree and explaining the language to a cabin visitor was a beautiful touch, and puts into focus the important path towards reconciliation that Canada is on. The Cranebears are a beautiful couple and so adorable to watch. The way Edna made it known that the town prided itself on embracing diversity was also appreciated and an important part of what it means to be Canadian.

Andrew’s visit to Sullivan’s Crossing just as Maggie had begun embracing her roots is sure to cause a lot of drama moving forward. How will this affect her ability to put the pieces of her life back together? Will Maggie be able to put Boston behind her and focus on a future that is about happiness and not success? I’d love to hear your thoughts! Comment below and follow me on Twitter @MiddleofCanada.