Marvel Studios is developing a new animated series titled Spider-Man: Freshman Year, which will see Peter Parker come into his own as Spider-Man with a new take on the MCU version of the character.
It’s been revealed that the series takes place before 2016’s Captain America: Civil War, but with a noticeable key difference. “Rather than coming home to his apartment to see Tony Stark in his home, it’s none other than Norman Osborn who’s chatting up his Aunt May when he walks through the door. And much like how meeting Tony thrust Peter into a spotlight larger than the kid needed, Peter having Norman as his mentor ‘sends his life in an unexpected trajectory that collides him with many unexpected characters in the Marvel universe.”
We now have details on the voice cast for the series thanks to a copyright listing for the first episode of the series, and it includes Hudson Thames (What If…?) as Peter Parker, Eugene Byrd (Spidey and His Amazing Friends, 8 Mile) as Lonnie Lincoln, Grace Song (Kidding) as Nico Minoru, Hugh Dancy (Hannibal) as Otto Octavius, Kari Wahlgren (FLCL, Rick and Morty) as Aunt May, and Zeno Robinson (My Hero Academia, Pokemon Master Journeys: The Series) as Harry Osborn.
It was previously revealed that Charlie Cox will be reprising his role as Matt Murdock / Daredevil along with Paul F. Tompkins as Bentley Wittman / Wizard.
It’s also being reported that Spider-Man: Freshman Year could be released around November 2, 2024.