At the end of Spider-Man 2, Peter Parker decides to step away from being Spider-Man for a while and entrusts Miles Morales with protecting New York City while he’s MIA. With the way Spider-Man 2 ended, it makes sense that Miles would be the focus of the next chapter of the story. During an interview with Gizmodo, Morris talked about the direction of the franchise, saying:
“It always felt very natural, and I think we all collectively thought it would happen. To me, it shows a great deal of evolution from Miles; at the beginning of the game, we see him struggling to figure out what he wants to do with his life. By the end, we had Miles carrying the burden of saving the city, and also carrying Pete when Pete wasn’t strong enough to carry himself at various points.
“That’s what’s been so cool about writing a story about two Spider-Men: they’re both strong, and one of them can be strong when the other is not. By the end, Miles is more confident and he’s like, ‘Yeah, I got this. How much worse can things get after what we just went through?'”
Narrative director Ben Arfmann shared his insight:
“To echo what Brittney said: the idea of a two Spider-Man story was always really essential to this game. I think pretty early on, we knew that we wanted to have that moment of handing the reins over. And as we developed it, as we started to lay down more track leading up to that moment, it just felt more and more right.
“It’s such a great moment between the two of them. And it felt like such a natural conclusion; I’m not sure when specifically we decided to do that, but it always felt like the only way the game could end.”
I’m fine with Miles being the focus of the story moving forward. I love the character, but Peter Parker isn’t gone forever. He’s just taking a break and at some point, he will eventually make his big return to the franchise. Miles will most likely see some more action in any upcoming DLC and spinoffs for the game, but maybe Peter will return with Spider-Man 3. There’s more than enough reason in the Spider-Man universe to force Peter out of retirement. But, the focus of the story is going to shift to Miles.