Those Spider-Man keys continued to light up eBay, but Invincible #1 and a Knights of the Old Republic key moved into the picture this week.
What comics are gaining traction on eBay? Here at the Trending Comics blog, we take a closer look at the top-100 best-selling issues on the auction site. While these may not be the biggest movers and shakers on the secondary market, they are worth your time to keep on your radar.
It’s not often that two virtually identical comics are so far apart in the rankings. On the tails of the Spider-Man 2 PlayStation game’s huge release, the first appearance of the black suit charged into the fifth spot. More specifically, the newsstand edition ASM #252 ranked in the top five. On the other side of things, the direct edition fell all the way to 83rd. It’s hard to see this trend continuing, but it’s an interesting dichotomy for one week.
Fire up your Amazon Prime accounts because Invincible season two is only days from its premiere. After such an amazing first season, the bar has been set quite high. Not only do we have that to look forward to, Mortal Kombat 1 fans are anxiously awaiting Omni-Man’s arrival as a downloadable character for the franchise’s newest entry. Seeing Omni-Man’s gory and brutal murderous rampages in the first season, he will make a fitting addition to the MK roster.
The Jason Momoa talk continues to charge up the theorists. The speculation is that the Aquaman actor will turn in his trident and revv his space Harley as Lobo. This is far from a new rumor, but it has resurfaced lately, which is pushing those Lobo keys to the top of the sales charts. While Omega Men #3 is still the most popular collecting choice, buyers were shifting their sights to Lobo #1. This happens to be the Main Man’s first solo title, and those are always popular among collectors.
Not that Spider-Man isn’t always popular in the collecting circles, but he’s on fire thanks to the hugely popular Spider-Man 2 game. Those Spidey keys are dominating eBay, but the trouble is the Silver Age collectibles are so expensive. Wouldn’t we all like to get our hands on a first print ASM #1? Unless you’ve got four figures to spend on the lowest of grades, that’s not an option. However, you can always grab the facsimile edition, which many buyers tracked down this week.
Darth Revan’s first appearance was tracking on eBay this week. Although Knights of the Old Republic narrowly squeezed into the top-100 best sellers, it could be on its way to a much higher stature. There’s been rumors since spring that a new Star Wars Disney Plus show will focus on the Sith. The idea is that it will bring Darth Revan to the screen in live action, and that makes getting the all-important first appearance all the more pressing.