In a season finale that left us all gasping so much that Isaac would’ve been proud, we were given an even bigger cliffhanger than last season’s mystery of who was sucked off. From Pete being on his vacation and of course Issac and Nigel’s wedding, this episode was jam- packed full of story. There were “couple” shake ups everywhere.
Let’s start with the one couple shake up that was very unexpected. Pete is on his tropical vacation with his family (unbeknownst to them) and meets a beautiful ghost named Donna. They hit it and off and go all the way. Donna was very satisfied with the time she spent with Pete. Unfortunately for them, their time was cut short as Pete began to disappear. He has been away from the mansion for too long. Apparently there is a limit to his ghost power. Donna points out that if it truly is the end for him, wouldn’t he want to spend it in paradise. We were teased Alberta and Pete and it appears the writers may have abandoned that ship.
Thor, Flower and Nancy are going forward with their throuple relationship. However, we start to see cracks as Nigel lets them know that the basement ghosts are not invited to the wedding. Thor and Flower decide that they still want to attend the wedding and leave Nancy in the basement. Interestingly throughout the episode Flower kept mentioning she had company in the well from a ghost stuck in the dirt. Seeing how she is Flower, no one takes her seriously until she mentions her name and Alberta reveals to Sam that Flower is talking about the Ghost that Isaac left in the dirt when he sneezed and accidentally let go of her hand. Flower did not describe Patience as a forgiving ghost; in fact she is out for revenge.
“Isaac’s Wedding” – GHOSTS, Pictured: Devan Chandler Long as Thorfinn and Sheila Carrasco as Flower. Photo: Bertrand Calmeau/CBS ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Speaking of Isaac he is having dreams of his stripper crush. So of course that means he is the DJ for the wedding. Not only is he the DJ, he explains that he loves dinosaurs, which we knew, but he hates Hamilton, has no sense of smell (unable to smell Isaac when he passed through him) and is gay. Isaac is having serious doubts. Sass does his best to squash them but it is hard for Isaac to take him seriously seeing how Sass hasn’t had a successful relationship. Their back and forth was one of the funnier moments in the episode. When the DJ accidentally eats some of Jay’s food containing crab he has an allergic reaction and Isaac is having a hard time hiding his excitement at the thought of him dying on property.
He and Nigel have a talk and Isaac explains he was just having a case of cold feet. As they make it to the altar, and Pete returns in the nick of time to explain his adventures, his speech about love and romance is just enough to make Isaac realize that he does not want to marry Nigel and leaves him at the altar. Nigel, being ever the polite gentleman, forgives Isaac (off screen). Jay not wanting his money to go to waste for a ghost wedding suggests that Flower and Thor get married after declaring their love for one another and only wanting each other. They decide not to disrespect Isaac in that wait but Carol and her shed ghost decide to get married. Good luck with that as Pete says.
“Isaac’s Wedding” – GHOSTS, Pictured: John Hartman as Nigel Chessum, Roman Zaragoza as Sasappis and Brandon Scott Jones as Isaac Higgintoot. Photo: Bertrand Calmeau/CBS ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
All’s well that ends well until Nancy brings Isaac downstairs to meet Patience who pulls him into the dirt in a shocking, gasp worthy end of the season cliffhanger. I mean Isaac sneezes and accidentally shoots and kills Nigel, then he sneezes and accidentally abandons a ghost for hundreds of years. Someone get this man an allergy pill.
This season definitely had its highs and lows. Carol being the low part of the season. Hopefully when the show returns we do not see much of her. One of the highlights of this season is Thor and Alberta’s little rivalry and jabbing back and forth; very funny. All the characters had great development. While the audience is still feeling like Pete and Alberta are unresolved, the number one highlight of the season was Hetty’s journey and the reveal of how she died.
Overall I give this episode an A+ rating with the season getting a strong B.
What did you think of the episode Ghosts fans? Shocked at the wedding that did not happen? Will they ever find Isaac? What was your favorite part of the season? Leave a comment and remember to connect with me on Twitter.