Despite an impressive back catalog and incredible rock history, James Hetfield insists Metallica will never become...
Sage The Gemini is being accused of sexually assaulting a woman at Chris Brown‘s house in...
Anytime we're anticipating new material from Jerry Cantrell — whether it's a solo album or something...
Pusha T’s manager Steven Victor takes Billboard inside the launch of Victor Victor Worldwide featuring exclusive...
In 2024, the Offspring could be forgiven if they want to take it easy and rest...
A man on trial for murder in Syracuse, N.Y. reportedly blames his suspicious Google search on...
Apashe is continuing his Antagonist journey with a double dose of orchestras this winter.Early next year, Apashe will...
Dream Theater have officially announced their first new album with Mike Portnoy since 2009, Parasomnia, alongside the...
T.I. has announced that he will be performing live for one last time as he nears...
Here are the 10 best black metal love songs!Musical bigots have claimed that black metal is...
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