NBC drama series The Blacklist, now in its 10th and last season, is moving into its final weeks with some changes ahead. Beginning June 1, the show, which currently airs on Sundays at 10 pm, will move to Thursdays. Back-to-back episodes will air that night, June 1, at 8 pm and 9 pm, with subsequent episodes airing weekly at 8 pm.
In the first episode on June 1, titled “The Hat Trick”, Red (James Spader) provides the Task Force with three criminal cases that are deeper than they appear, and Ressler helps a friend make amends. In the “Blair Foster” follow-up episode, when a corrupt lawyer is linked to a string of corporate cover-ups, Red helps the team investigate her operation, and Sen. Panabaker and Cooper await a judge’s decision on the fate of the Task Force.
The Blacklist will conclude with a two-hour series finale on July 13 from 8-10 pm.
Last season The Blacklist reached 29.1 million viewers on NBC and more than doubled its 18-49 demo and total viewers in L+35 vs. same day, according to Nielsen.
In addition to Spader, The Blacklist stars Diego Klattenhoff, Hisham Tawfiq, Anya Banerjee and Harry Lennix.
John Eisendrath, Jon Bokenkamp, John Davis and John Fox of Davis Entertainment, James Spader, Lukas Reiter, Laura A. Benson, Daniel Cerone, Sean Hennen, Allison Glock-Cooper, T Cooper serve as executive producers.
The Blacklist is produced by Sony Pictures Television Studios and Universal Television, a division of Universal Studio Group.