Veronika Rajek traded her bikini for a skimpy undies look last weekend, posting in video mode and driving her 6.8 million Instagram followers wild. Showing off her bombshell body, the Slovakian model gave a nod to her love of the U.S. via a Daisy Dukes look, but with those shorts pulled down, she was also upping the ante. Striking poses from her kitchen as she highlighted her jaw-dropping curves, Veronika teased her pert rear as she braved a thong, landing herself endless fan love and over 110,000 likes. Rajek has been urging her fans to get her a Sports Illustrated Swim feature. This video may just help her cause.
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Cheeky Undies In Pulled-Down Daisy Dukes
Scroll for the video. Posting not long after her statement “sorry for having great t*ts” t-shirt, Veronika reminded fans of her fierce cleavage as she modeled a plunging white bra to match a very minimal set of cheeky briefs.
Posing by kitchen counters and amid wooden cupboards, the Fashion Nova partner sizzled as she highlighted her insanely toned abs, also flashing her curvy hips as she wore her acid-wash Daisy Dukes unzipped.
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Toying with her bombshell curled locks as she smiled and pouted for the camera, Veronika eventually turned around. Using both hands to tug down her cut-off shorts, the Instagram sensation bared her buns of steel, then yanked up her G-string as she got a little provocative. Wearing a pearl necklace and her signature Star of David one, the stunner posted jointly with photography account 50MM FOTOGRAPHIX, also tagging her own IG. She did, however, swoop into the comments to say: “You tagged wrong account.”
“Lol. What’s the post about if I may kindly ask?” one fan replied. Others, however, simply sent the star love.
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Bikini Bombshell Pushes For ‘Sports Illustrated’
The past few weeks have seen Veronika asking fans to help her land a Sports Illustrated feature. The magazine recently celebrated its 60th anniversary, bringing back old-school faces including models Kate Upton and Chrissy Teigen. Just this week, Rajek posted to X (formerly Twitter), accusing the magazine of refusing to have her. She listed possible reasons as she stated:
“Did you know that people in Sports Illustrated do not want to let me to be cover of SI Swimsuit ? Let’s guess why. I’m A) too fit B) too jewish C) too European D) not sharing my with old grumpy [cat emoji] guys E) all above.” Rajek often references what appears to be her Jewish heritage. She’s shown off Friday night Challah bread and recently posted a Story of herself all dolled up for a family member’s Bar Mitzvah.
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Shirtless In Girly Pink Look
The above photo promoted the Fashion Nova brand Veronika fronts. All curves in her shirtless outfit as she rocked a sleeveless faux fur jacket in hot pink, Veronika added in a matching shirt as she shouted out a Black Friday sale in her caption.