So, who is this Charlie Kirk character?
Kirk, born on October 14, 1993, is an American conservative political activist and media figure. He founded Turning Point USA in 2012 and oversees its various extensions, including Turning Point Action and Students for Trump. Kirk has also authored four books.
I recently discovered Charlie Kirk via TikTok. The first few videos from his account intrigued me. He talked about what a sham college is these days, which I agree with whole-heartedly.
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In my opinion, the education system in the US has been on the decline more than ever over the last decade. In a lot of his videos Kirk pulls out stats; talking about the national graduation rate being ~59%. He also highlights that more than half of college graduates end up in jobs that do not require a degree ten years after completing their education.
We can probably all somewhat agree that job listings these days are ridiculous, am I right?? Some corporations ask for a Masters Degree and umpteenth years of experience, while only offering $12 per hour as a starting rate, and that is beyond insane…
I personally went directly into the workforce instead of attending college, accumulating debt, and wasting time in a classroom. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made!
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So, I was really excited to find this seemingly like-minded person, (Charlie Kirk), online speaking so candidly about the subject of education, especially with young people on his platforms.
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Charlie Kirk: ‘Jesus Saved My Life’
Then, I came across another of Kirk’s videos explaining how Jesus saved his life. Damn, here we go…this is where we differ.
I’m not religious whatsoever. At least not in the traditional sense. If I’m anything, I’d say I’m spiritual. I don’t believe in anyone’s ‘Sky Daddy’ and I think organized religion is also a complete sham; one of the major downfalls of our society.
“I’m a sinner. Gave my life to Christ. Most important decision I’ve ever made.” Kirk expressed to someone asking if he was a Christian.
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Hey, to each their own, right? But, this take from Kirk really threw me for a loop…In my mind I thought, “How could someone be so spot on with education and at the same time so delusional?” This was still okay though to some extent in my opinion. A lot of smart people believe in something bigger, okay…Not going to completely rule his views out at this point. Although…kind of. I tried to keep an open mind.
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Kirk was asked if he thought the bible was real. “Yes, I believe the Bible is true.” He was asked why. His response was, “Well, I could give you the technical answer, which is that there’s never been an archeological discovery that has contradicted the truth of the Bible. And then of course, the wisdom. There’s not a truth of the Bible that if you apply it to your life your life does not improve dramatically.”
Okay dude…to me this is psychobabble.
“1 Timothy 2:12: I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.”
Perfect segue into Kirk’s next stance…
‘More Women Need To Get Married At A Younger Age’
Okay, at this point I believe that Charlie Kirk is out there, but here’s where I lost any and all respect for the man. In another of Kirk’s videos he states, “The biggest thing is this: more younger women need to get married at a younger age and start having kids. The single woman issue is one of the biggest issues facing a civilization.”
He continued, “We have more single women in their early 30’s that are the most depressed, suicidal, anxious, and lonely in America’s history because there’s a biological clock that’s going off and they realize that they’re not going to be able to have kids, that they’re not as desirable in the dating market or in the dating pool and so they start to lash out on the rest of society by voting democrat.”
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Is this not the most archaic sexism or antiquated sexism you’ve ever heard?? My mind was completely BLOWN.
“Just get married early. Reject the siren song of modernity and have lots of kids. Being a partner at a local law firm actually isn’t that big of a deal. Having three kids is a really big deal and will make you happier and it’s okay to be a stay at home mom. In fact, we need a lot of stay at home moms and a lot of women want to be stay at home moms and we have miserable women because we’ve been shuffling them into a corporate wasteland. When in reality, a lot of them don’t find a lot of passion or fulfillment in that line of work. And who can blame them?”
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This is some of the most disgusting rhetoric I’ve ever heard. He’s basically saying that a woman’s only purpose is to procreate and if she doesn’t she’ll be miserable and of no use to society.
“Having three kids is a really big deal and will make you happier” – Says WHO??
How about you mind your own f-cking business, Kirk? I have zero children by choice and I absolutely love my life. I know I would be miserable if I had children. This personal decision does not make me of less value, anxious, or suicidal. That’s reckless information and I wish you had the competence to realize that.
Childfree And Happy AF
“Siren song of modernity??” Please, this is 2024. Let’s all take a page from TikToker Arielle Lorre’s book who very proudly admits that she is childfree by choice.
She very vocally talks about being 38 and not wanting kids. She goes on to state how interesting it is that this concept is so hard for some people to understand. She knows that she doesn’t want children, just like how she knows “the sky is blue.” I’m with you 100%, sister!
Women do not have a predetermined destiny. We are not undesirable and lashing out because of some “ biological clock” bullsh-t.
Some women feel they were born to be mothers, and relish in that lifestyle. If that’s you – I applaud you. IF that was YOUR choice.
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However, I think it’s completely irresponsible for Charlie Kirk to be preaching such blatant nonsense to women, some of which I’m sure are very impressionable given the demographic of his audience.
Don’t even get me started on his abortion stance…
I honestly feel bad for his wife and daughter.